Horizon Alumni

Welcome Back!


What do we do?

Horizon Alumni holds regular meetings and plans events for current and past clients, families, and friends of Horizon Services, Inc. Programs. We work together to give back to the community.

As an Alumni member, you will help plan and participate in these events. We can always use new ideas and helping hands. We have a great time and invite you to join us!

Interested? Sign up below! 


First, complete one of our programs and join us at one of our events to meet with the group. We would love to have you.

Then, register to join the Horizon Alumni by filling out the information BELOW.

*If you are in recovery, you'll be allowed to become an Associate Member once you've reached thirty (30) days clean and sober.
*After 3 continuous months clean and sober, you obtain Full Membership.
*Family and friends of our recovery participants are welcome to join also!